Kentucky trafficking statistics

Discover the sobering reality of sex trafficking in the United States, particularly in Kentucky, through our comprehensive collection of up-to-date trafficking statistics. With up-to-date information from The National Center on Sexual Exploitation, we shed light on the alarming figures and trends that underscore the urgency of combatting human trafficking in the Bluegrass State. Our data-driven insights aim to raise awareness, fostering understanding and empowering communities, law enforcement, and advocates to join forces against exploitation and trafficking. Stay informed with our latest findings and be part of the solution to create a safer, more resilient Kentucky.

recent articles from the national center on sexual exploitation:

2 Steps to Prevent the Sexual Abuse of Millions of Children: 
Two strategies that significantly contribute to the prevention of child sexual abuse include:
1. Restricting predators' online interactions with children.
2. Mitigating the risk of child sexual abuse perpetration and victimization by preventing exposure to childhood pornography.
Why Prostitution is Not “Sex Work”:
Prostitution is neither "sex" nor "work". 
CDA 230: The Greatest Enabler of Online Sexual Exploitation
Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act (CDA 230) stands as the primary facilitator of online sexual abuse and exploitation in the current landscape.
If She Was Sold to Judges and Policemen, Who Should She Turn To?
To whom could she turn when the influential men in the community were engaging in sex buying?
Mass-Scale Prevention: Real Solutions to the Harms of Pornography
The detrimental effects of pornography can manifest in numerous ways, causing both direct and indirect harm. If you've encountered this harm firsthand or been affected indirectly, we empathize with the pain and frustration you may be experiencing.

how can you help?

Join us in the fight against the devastating impact of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Together, we can make a difference. Explore our resources, stay informed, and consider contributing to our mission through donations or volunteering. Your support is a beacon of hope for survivors and a powerful force in creating a safer, more resilient community. Take action now and be a part of the solution. Together, we can build a future free from the chains of exploitation.

kentucky statistics

In the heart of America, Kentucky's strategic location and major interstates sadly make it a hotspot for human trafficking. According to the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC), a staggering 86 percent of the cases they handled in 2015 involved endangered runaways, with one in five of these young individuals likely falling victim to sexual trafficking. In 2019, federal prosecutors in Kentucky filed charges in four new criminal human trafficking cases, securing the state the 9th position in the nation for the number of new cases. Additionally, Kentucky held the 25th position in the nation for the number of active cases during the same year.

Recognizing the gravity of the situation, Kentucky has taken legislative steps to address this crisis. House Bill 524, enacted in 2017, amended KRS 156.095, mandating public schools to prominently display the National Human Trafficking Reporting Hotline (1-888-373-7888). The state's commitment to combating human trafficking is further evident in the Human Trafficking Victims Rights Act, passed in 2013. This legislation includes a "safe harbor" provision, shielding the youngest victims from prosecution and mandating essential services for their recovery.

Collaboration between state agencies, with schools as primary partners, is crucial in the efforts to combat trafficking. Recognizing the signs and responding swiftly can be a lifeline for these vulnerable children. The Bakita Empowerment Initiative, a program by Catholic Charities of Louisville, has identified 332 trafficking victims since 2008, with a startling 60% being children. A recent study conducted by the University of Louisville, the Youth Experience Survey (YES): Exploring the Scope and Complexity of Sex Trafficking in a Sample of Youth Experiencing Homelessness in Kentuckiana, revealed that 40% of surveyed homeless youth identified as victims of sex trafficking. It's evident that education and awareness play pivotal roles in addressing this issue, and the collaborative efforts of all stakeholders are essential in rescuing these young lives from the clutches of victimization.

Kentucky Human Trafficking Statistics: Shedding Light on the Reality and Urgency